3 Spring Tequila Cocktail Recipes
After a long winter, spring is a welcome change. Flowers begin to emerge, birds begin to sing and the sun warms the days. It's a time of rebirth, rejuvenation and sometimes spring cleaning.
If you find yourself cleaning out your closets or scrubbing the baseboard that hasn't been wiped down in years, this tidying frenzy may require a late afternoon cocktail.
Here are our 3 favorite tequila cocktails:
Serving size: 2 people
- 1 blood orange peeled
- 1/2 lime
- Mineral water like Pellegrino or Mountain Valley
- Fresh Mint leaves
- Tequila blanco
- Ice
Peel your beautiful blood orange and puree it in a blender (add a little water if necessary). Grab a mason jar with a top or use a cocktail shaker. Add 1/2 cup of the blood orange puree, a handful of mint leaves, ice, 3-4 oz of tequila blanco and shake vigorously.
Pour into your favorite cocktail tumblers. Add mineral water and squeeze fresh lime to taste. Enjoy!
Serving size: 2 people
- 1 pomegranate
- 2 caviar limes
- Mineral water like Pellegrino or Mountain Valley
- Slice of orange
- Tequila blanco
- Ice
- Agave to taste
Cut the pomegranate in half, take a wooden spoon and tap the pomegranate into a large bowl to release the seeds. Use a mortar & pestle to gently press 1/2 cup of pomegranate seeds and the meat of two caviar limes to combine the flavors. Pour the mixture into a mason jar with a top or a cocktail shaker. Add ice, 3-4 oz of tequila blanco, and 1 teaspoon of agave and shake vigorously.
Pour into your favorite cocktail tumblers. Add mineral water and sprinkle a whole caviar lime on top. Squeeze an orange wedge into each drink and use as garnish. Enjoy!
Serving size: 2 people
- 2 limes
- Mineral water like Pellegrino or Mountain Valley
- Tequila blanco
- Ice
- Fresh cilantro leaves
- Agave to taste (optional)
Use your favorite cocktail tumblers with a leak-proof top. Add ice, tequila, fresh lime juice and a handful of cilantro leaves. Shake. Add mineral water Enjoy!